Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Roller coaster ride

Sometimes the lack of posts means all is well and we are busy. Sometimes it means all is not well and I am busy. Sometimes it means I'm in a grumpy mood and don't want to bring anyone else down into the pity party I create!

For the last few days the lack of posts has been because of the later 2 reasons!

Asa has been so clingy and needy that I'm not sure I could update if I wanted to. But I haven't wanted to sound as whiny and gripey as Asa, so I have avoided the blog too.

It seems we are out of the happy honeymoon of Reglan. I suppose it is still doing it's job but he isn't eating as well and he has had several sick episodes but without the puking so that is progress, I suppose. I was so loving getting Asa out of bed and him really wanting to eat! The last few days though, it has been lunch time when he decides to eat breakfast! And he isn't a happy hungry. I think hunger is part of the reason he is so ill! Have you seen the Snickers candy bar commercial with Aretha Franklin in the back of the car complaining about the AC and stuff. They hand her a Snickers and she reverts back into a college kid. The others comment how hunger always turns him into a diva. That is Asa when hungry...a diva!

Or maybe he doesn't feel well. The last 2 days I given in and gave him Motrin just in case something was hurting him. Cade is dealing with sinus headaches and I had one on Sat. So maybe there is some headache thing going on. Who knows.

It is hard seeing him regress or not progress like he was. For a while I can kid myself and start believing there is a misdiagnosis and he just has delays but is catching up. Then before the thought even gets out of my head, BAM, he is on a down slide again. And for no obvious reason. You'd expect him to be regressing if he was running a fever or had an ear infection or a cold. But so far no signs of anything.

So there you have it! The low down, ugly post!!

But I can't end there! Monday night was Gracie's last softball game. Gracie hit a home run in her last game! Barry stayed home with a crabby pants Asa and missed it. She has had a fun season, even though they only won a few games. Some games were close and some we wondered why we even showed up! But she had fun and learned a lot. I had a blast this season too! Gracie's team had some great team parents! After the last game a group went to eat and celebrate. Gracie and I joined them and it was the therapy I needed! I'll miss this team!

Oh and yesterday, Asa tried a smoothie! Asa got sick while Anna and I grocery shopped so we rushed through the end and left with time to spare before getting Cade and Gracie from summer school. Asa was zonked out in the car seat and we weren't getting him out in the heat again so went to Smoothie King and Anna used the Wi-Fi while I went in to get us a smoothie. I carried on quite a conversation about their Vitamix blenders!! Vitamix blenders are a tubers dream! They say you can blend a steak so smooth it'd go through a feeding tube! That is a cool blender!! Anyway, since we haven't used the tube but still can only do smoothie consistency, I was day dreaming about making Asa all these cool smoothies instead of Pedisure. Then I was struck at how weird it must be that I was getting all excited about making smoothies for my 2 1/2 year old. So I ordered something and left since even the smoothie was depressing! Asa was coming to but he had no desire for the smoothie. Later at home he did drink his and was very happy with it. You should have seen his face when something yummy came out of his straw cup! Seriously, wouldn't vanilla Pedisure get so old after this long!

Tomorrow we were gonna try some big kid food with Asa in therapy. I'm still hoping he wakes up tomorrow ready and willing to try new stuff. I might give him an extra dose of Reglan and see if that makes a difference. We are supposed to give it 3 times a day and only do it once. The GI warned that if the one dose worked we might have to move up to the 3 doses. We'll see how he does with breakfast!

So sorry this has been long and rambling and depressing. Pardon me while I get my thoughts out so I can move on!!


Meghan Clement said...

Don't apologize for this kind of post. What better way to get things off your chest than complain to people who understand what you are going through? Trust me, Asa is not alone on his feeding issues. I would try the 2 doses of Reglan and see how that goes...hopefully in the right direction. Keep going momma, you're doing great!


Robin Brown said...

don't worry about it - that's why i love facebook and things like that - cathartic to just vent to whoever's there!! so blog on....