Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Asa had his very first hippotherapy appointment this afternoon. Hippotherapy is theraputic horseback riding. Not only will he ride a horse but he will do therapy skills on horseback! I've been told how amazing the horses are for kids and after today I believe it!

I was pretty sure we'd get to the stables and Asa would freak out. We left school and he was a little gaggy so I was nearly positive we were wasting our time. As we began the evaluation and Asa started having a fit (complete with a head bang into my chair), I wanted to just get up and leave. Instead we pushed on. Two young helpers came over with a therapy box and distracted Asa while I talked.

Then it was horse time and magic happened! I watched from the sidelines as they tried to get Asa to touch the horse. He gave him 2 small pats with some resistance. Then they tried to get him to hold onto the saddle and throw his leg over the horse. That wasn't happening but he did let them pick him up and sit him on the horse. Then they were off!

Asa looks pretty good on the ground. He seems to have adapted his poor muscle tone and somehow looks tight and in control. When he got on the horse though all the low tone came right back! He had on a helmet but it wasn't very heavy. Still, he often lost some head control and his head fell backwards. The helpers either helped him get it back up or reminded him to pull it up and he straightened back up again. It was amazing to see him working so hard on skills that he's mastered on the ground. this therapy is really going to work him and help him get stronger!

And sensory wise he was a pro too! He handled the horse and the sounds. I've got a video and in it he waves as the horse comes over near us. He completely did this on his own! Later, not on video, he got upset during a tough therapy task. He let out some sobs but then pulled it back together, wiped his tears, and pushed on! It was sooo amazing! I'm so excited about next week!

One of the big cons with this therapy is the horses and my allergies. I took an allergy pill before we got there and had allergy eye drops ready but is till reacted! I came out sneezing, itching my eyes that were quickly watering and swelling. We wiped our hands with wipes, sanitized and changed clothes as soon as we got home. It'll be worth any sneezing, watery eyes and itching just to watch Asa grow by leaps and bounds in his skills!

Check out this posture in the video. I took the sound off because we were all talking and loud! Shocking, right!?

Also, check out this friend Asa made when we first got to the stables. This dog wanted to play so bad but Asa just isn't that into dogs. In fact, he really doesn't like them at all. When we got home though, Asa waved to Gracie's dog, reached out to rub her back twice and even sat down so he could lean in and give her hugs!! Unheard of, I tell you! Unheard of!

1 comment:

Clara-Leigh said...

We have horses and I have gotten to work with a few special needs kiddos on them....AMAZING MAGIC!!!! Of course my own SN son wants nothing to do with them but about twice per year. Hope you get those allergies under control!! You are a great sport, and Asa is handsome as EVER!!!