Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Can we just hit the pause button? Can't we just stop the clock for a little while!

Asa is 2 1/2 today!! As close to 3 as he is 2! When did that happen?!

And you know what happens at 3? School happens at 3!! We have a meeting tomorrow for his last 6 month EI goals. Next meeting will be for school transition. Then we'll have IEPs. If you don't know what IEPs are be least that is what I'm told. I won't know until Asa is 3, which is 6 months from now!

And mostly what I'm so wary of about him starting school is myself! What will I do with my mornings free? Barry said "get a job" but Asa will only go to school for 1/2 days. Who hires people for 3 hours a day? It's funny because when Gracie was almost old enough for school, I was soooo excited. I had plans for my days! Now I'm holding onto the school house doors for dear life! Who'd thunk it!

And this 1/2 birthday bring about a whole bag of 1/2 year specialist and appts. We got a yearly pass from some doctors but the biggies we see every 6 months. So this brings up some more fun. Last week we got a letter stating Asa's GI was leaving Vandy. Oh, and the GI clinic will no longer be coming to Jackson. We'll have to travel for this appt. too. And I really liked Asa's GI. So then today we get another letter today stating that the geneticist was leaving too! Now, I really, really like the geneticist. He would sit right down with us and talk like normal. Not that complicated doctor speak that always ends in a "and so, what this means for you is....". Yeah, cause that is the only part I cared about anyway but thanks for the complicated, long, drawn out lesson you gave me!

So now we have a new geneticist and new GI! The geneticist isn't soooo new to us. He is the medical advisor for the UMDF group in Nashville so we've chatted a bit. Funny thing, I emailed him to see if he had a GI preference for Asa, with the mito and all. Who knew he'd be our geneticist too!

And I'm sure that was long and rambling so forgive me!

Now on to Gracie. She'll turn 7 in 2 weeks. Really, when does this stuff happen!! Do they grow while I'm sleeping! So she was standing next to me last week and I noticed how tall she is, like a big kid. I tried to bargain with her and let her turn back to 5 on her birthday instead of 7. She said no. Well, at least I tried.

On a serious note, could ya'll remember a little mito friend in prayers? Her name is Brigid and she is very, very sick. She has battled much more than I can imagine. And now she battles again. This is wearing on her little body and the bodies and minds of her family! Please mention Brigid in your prayers tonight!

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