We had a GREAT night!!! There were so many people there! I could hardly believe it. I know that many just happened to be at Chick-fil-A on a Tuesday night but I also know that a ton of people showed up for Asa.....for us.....for the UMDF! I hope we got the word out about mito! I don't have the total yet but the manager said we increased traffic by 50%!! Now if all those people mentioned mito, we are in business!
This is just some of the goodies that Jill and Sara made for the night!
Sara also got the Chi Omega ladies to hostess for the night!
I was shocked when our mito friends from Millington came in!!! It is 1 1/2 hours to Jackson from Millington, maybe more! And on a school night! The big kids all had fun on the playland at Chick-fil-A. The enclosed playland is reason enough to use Chick-fil-A next time!!
And we had soooo many friends there.
(And if your picture is not on here it is because: 1.) My photograph skills are lacking! 2.) I knew you didn't want your picture on here but I wanted one for our own keepsakes. 3.) My photography skills are lacking! I should really learn when to use the flash and when to turn it off! lol)
I never cease to be amazed at how generous people are with their time, talents and money. I know so many people had other things going yet they still came by, even if it was to go or at the drive-thru. Sara and Jill surely have better things to do and yet they completely volunteered the time and talent to help make this event special to me. And I had people drive from great distances to come see us. I'm sure it would have made more money sense to send in a donation in the amount spent on gas and food but to show up is something special. The money is fine but the support is what a tired, worn out Moma needs sometimes!
I have a hard time putting myself out there for Asa, for our family. But then I think about all the other kids affected with mito. I think of the kids who passed away just this month. I think of the families who are so tied up during awareness week with just keeping their little one alive, that they don't have the time or energy to raise awareness. The families were the day to day is struggle enough. We are in a blessed place right now with Asa. He is happy and healthy. We are surrounded by people who love us and are able to help us. These things may not always be the case. So we do while we can. And we hope that we do a good enough job raising awareness that we have people who can do the work when we can't.
Saying thanks isn't enough. I don't have the words that would be enough. I just pray that God blesses each person that has given for us in any shape or form!
If you didn't make it out and want to help you can go to the UMDF site. There are ways to make monetary donations, of course but you can also find ways to advocate. You can contact your Senator or Congressperson. You can educate yourself so you can help spread the word about mito. There is a list of local UMDF groups and chapters in your area. Believe me, we need more people able to do some of the leg work on these events!
I would have never picked this journey we are on but I'm so thankful for all the amazing people we've be blessed to meet. God is so good to us and provides all our needs!
I'm glad that you had such a great turnout! You will probably never know how many lives you and Asa are touching with your awareness campaign.
Sounds like a great night with many people learning about mito!!
what a great thing you guys put together! thank you!
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