Friday, April 19, 2013


Asa's had a tough week or so! It's only mid April and the temps have been in the 80s. He school has an old boiler and the AC hadn't been turned on when the first hot temps started. He overheated a few times at school or I just didn't send him because the AC was not on. It took several emails and visits from Maintance but Asa went back to school today. He sure loves school!! 

This picture was taken around 8am on Wednesday. He had gone out on the deck and stayed out of the sun but he was already getting sweaty. I asked him to smile for his teacher and I got this pose. Right after I put my phone away he blew a big kiss too. 

On Tuesday, I took Asa to school but by 9:30 he was too hot so I picked him up. We killed time and ran errands because Asa had hippotherapy at 4. One of the errands was a visit to the school Asa will go to next year. My first question was what type of AC they have! Asa will be in a self contained class with K-5th grades. There's 15ish kids, one teacher and 3 aides. There were 2 Ks in the room when we visited. The other grades were out with their other typical peers in their grade level. We walked to the playground and met the other 2 aides and some 5th graders. 

Asa made himself at home! The teacher and aides seem great and seemed to go above and beyond for the kids. I did have some reservation though. First, that's a huge age range! Asa's a small 5year old. More like the size of a 3 year old. Some of the 5th graders are big! Yikes! Secondly, it's a looooong walk from Asa's room to the lunch room, typical K room, gym and playground! Having said that though, I have no doubt that Asa will be fine! This time last year Asa wasn't even walking! Who knows how much endurance he'll build up over the summer! Every time I try to prepare teachers for his behaviors, he does a million times better than I could imagine. He seems to know how to rise to the challenge! 

I didn't ask if the kids have a nap time. I'm sure Asa will let them know when he's too tired anyway! It's going to be a new chapter in our adventure for sure!

He's so cute on the horse! And he worked soooo hard this week! Again, each week gets better and better! 

Oh and since I complained about the heat, today has hovered around 50 degrees and strong cold winds! Who really needs spring anyway! Ping ponging between winter and summer is fun......NOT!

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