Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A little update....

First of all, I got an email from the GI NP that the Gastric Empty Scan was normal. I know when you hear "normal" you celebrate but in this case it isn't completely good news. If the test had been bad we would have options to help stop the gagging and puking. But just because it was normal doesn't mean everything is OK. It just means it was OK from 8:30-10:30am last Friday. Makes sense, right? Even as I opened the email Monday, Asa was gagging and couldn't eat until 10:30am. And he has refused some of his favorite foods and only wants his cup of Elecare. But the test was normal!

On the plus side.... Asa had an eval for aqua therapy today. I think he'll really like the aqua part and hopefully tolerate the therapy part! We have to be watchful for several thing though. First, the pool may not be cool enough and just the warmth can tire him out, think of your muscles after a hot tub. Second, it is an open area. There are 3 pools, a regular, a hot tub and the cool. There are many classes and therapies happening at once and it can get loud. Hopefully he won't be bothered too badly. And third, there's a no puking policy! Can you believe?! I'm being sarcastic, of course, but guess what Asa was doing during the eval....gagging and spitting up! Nice huh. So I'll get in the pool with his trusty puke cup and watch for signs of trouble and catch puke if I need to. He starts next Thursday because he has an eye appt this week.

And now some shout worthy videos....

When I picked Asa up from school he was in the gait trainer standing at the door. When we opened the door he took off outside! Now he can do pretty well in big open smooth floored places but I've never seen him go like he did today! I backed him up some so i could video and this is what I got....

Now the school gait trainer is an older model than ours and it is light so i thought he wouldn't be able to do his at home. Boy, was I wrong!! Our backyard has a back slope so that helps but he was really going! And I might add, this so the same hill that Cade and Gracie learned to ride bikes down when they were 4. Asa is 4 and learning to go down it differently but I'll take it! :-)

And if you aren't drop down impressed just go watch the video from early September where I'm trying g to coax him to walk on the smooth ground and was all tears. We've come a LONG way, baby!


gg said...

Crying as I watch the videos. What a blessing...God is SO good!!!

marie clare said...

Wow, wow wow!!! Just saw this, look at him go!!!